What is Umbria its golden wheat, green forests, or bright yellow fields of sunflowers? In winter, this Italian heartland is transfigured by fog, snow and quietude. Void of the colors of summer, an itinerary at this time of year stems from the heart and goes beyond just the views. What better place to experience the emotions that history can give than the city of Umbria’s patron saint, son of these lands, Saint Francis of Assisi.
Assisi, then. Or perhaps not! It's actually better to begin from the end: from Santa Maria degli Angeli, where a disproportionately large basilica looms in the small village. Inside you’ll find Porziuncola, the chapel Saint Francis chose as his home, where he founded his order, and ultimately, where he died. Anyone who prays at the Porziuncola will be heard, so it’s said, so don’t leave without saying a prayer of your own.
On to Assisi
Driving through the plain on the way to Assisi you can view two important landmarks: the cupola of Santa Maria degli Angeli to the rear, and the basilica of Saint Francis on the hill up above rising over Assisi. Before passing through the city walls, a brief detour will take you to the monastery of Saint Damian where the cloisters preserve the memory of a crucifix that spoke to Saint Francis in 1205. Here, Saint Francis composed the “Praise of the Creatures” amongst the olive trees.