Check in from 14
Check out
by 10 am.
Check out
by 10 am.
Mode of payment - Upon booking 30% deposit. On arrival balance in cash.
Theprices include for the rooms: cleaning and change of bed linen and towels twice a week, parking, use of swimming pools, bicycles, table tennis, bowls, children's playground, mini soccer, volleyball, basketball, tennis, table football, air conditioning, rehabilitation, gym.
Theprices include for apartments and mini cottages with kitchenette: kitchen equipment, use of swimming pools, table tennis, bowls, children's playground, mini soccer, volleyball, basketball, tennis, foosball, excluding air-conditioned area, cleaning, linen and towels and final cleaning, rehabilitation, gym. The stay at the structure is normally weekly from Saturday to Saturday.
Ask for more details when you make your reservation