Contrada Canali, 9, 63851 Ortezzano (Fermo) CIN IT109029B535F6NXSECode 109029-AGR-00007
Ortezzano is a small village in the river Aso valley with rich environmental value and it’s only 20 minutes far from the Adriatic Sea and the Mountain Sibillini National Park. The Holiday Farm is not far from the village and in the middle of a big farm in which organic cultivation is above all dedicated to vineyards and orchards. Some years ago the owners, Geremia and Mariella and their children, decided to restore one of the three old farmhouses present in their farm.
It is possible to lodge in different apartments with different sizes but all with kitchen, bedrooms and bathroom. There are wooden beams floors and almost all are furnished with antiques. There is also a big swimming pool (18x6).
Since the Roman Period Ortezzano has been elected, thanks to its wonderful position, as a holiday resort by the roman captains who were sent here to strengthen their minds and bodies after the long battles. With regard to that it is possible to visit a roman Sanctuary that dates back to the late Republican Age situated in Monterinaldo, a village close to Ortezzano.
Ortezzano’s inhabitants have been able to maintain the singularity of this place in spite of the economic development and the passage of the years. From ancient times farming is the main activity among the villagers. In particular they have specialized their work cultivating vineyards, orchards, olive trees and summer or winter vegetables. But they have also specialized in the production of the typical Marche “Ciauscolo” salami and the “Porchetta” cold pork meat and in handicrafts as well as iron, copper and wicker manufacturing.
At easy reach the historic and art cities of Fermo and Ascoli Piceno.
Inform the agriturismo of any animals at the time of booking.
Owners will be held responsible for damage to property and persons.
Hi, my name is Mariella and I am 61 years old.
The photo is of me and my husband, Geremia
, Eleonora
, Carlo
I have been managing La Casa degli Gnomi since 2006 with my family.
As well as we welcome the guests, we take care of the crops.
I chose this job because to pursue a passion
According to the guests, the best thing about our agriturismo is the warm family welcome.
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