Via Petrarca 17, 34070 Moraro (Gorizia)
The winery is located in the characteristic village of Moraro, one of the smallest municipalities in the region, right next to the town hall. The farmhouse has been completely renovated and is able to accommodate its customers with 74 seats, located in three comfortable rooms on two floors.
La Privanda offers for tasting not only the traditional family wines (Friulano, Malvasia, Cabernet and Merlot), but also the opportunity to taste excellent meats and some typical dishes of the rural tradition (pork sausage with brovada, omelette, tripe and cod). All seasoned with a warm and friendly atmosphere.
There is also a room available for both meetings or exhibitions and the possibility of guided tastings.
(Translated with google translate)
Reservation recommended
Up to 74
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